It can be very tempting to only show the best side of yourself online, but trust me there is even more power in learning how being authentic online can bring happiness to your life. Sure, that sounds a bit cheesy, but it’s true. Over the course of the last five years as a blogger, I’ve learned just how powerful it can be to be authentic online. It can be really scary at first, putting yourself out there, but in the end it’s actually crazy empowering when you hear the cries of “me too” when you are putting your most vulnerable things out there.
First thing, I will tell you is that I am not a very private person, so some of this came easier to me than it might for you. Having said that I still believe that we should see how being authentic online and in real life can really set you free. It means that you’ve learned to be comfortable in your own skin no matter the situation, and you don’t want to mislead your friends and family online to believe that your life is roses all the time.
Want to learn why it’s so important to be comfortable in your own skin check it out in this blog post, and then head back here for the 7 easy tips to being authentic online so you can brave new territory and be yourself online and in person.
7 Easy Tips to Being Authentic Online
1. Share the Good and the Bad: This doesn’t mean that you have to literally share EVERYTHING that is going on in your life, but make sure to share a good balance of the good and the bad. No one goes through life without a few road bumps, and chances are that someone else can relate to what you are going through. On the flip side, share your successes that way friends and family can cheer you on.
2. Don’t Embellish: Though it can be tempting, don’t go over the top on embellishing your life. If you got a small raise, don’t make it sound like you hit the lottery. People remember those kinds of things and when you see them in person, they’ll think what you said was fact. It might end up in an embarrassing situation if you forgot about your online embellishment and got caught in it in person.
3. Forget Photoshop: NO ONE has a perfect body. NO ONE. This is probably one of the hardest ways to being authentic online. We are all tempted to use Photoshop, or take that photo just at the right angle. Don’t worry about all that mess. Just be you! Your body has brought you this far in life, no reason to try and hide it! Flaunt what you’ve got! It’s not like you will look like that perfect picture in person anyway, because you are human. Just rock being you!
4. Don’t worry about offending someone: This tip comes with a caveat. Don’t be a jerk. If you aren’t being a jerk and being true to yourself don’t worry about being yourself and sharing your opinions. If you were in person you would probably talk about different topics, would you bite your tongue then for fear of offending someone? (That’s assuming we all know the definition of tact) If you are so busy being you, you won’t have to worry about what you say might offend someone. If it does, and you weren’t being a jerk, it never hurts to hear someone out, but don’t let it change who you are.
5. Forget About What Others Think: Most of us are worried about being authentic online because we worry about what others will think if we are. In the age of the Internet we’ve all heard horror stories about trolls leaving awful comments, and I’m not going to lie to you, they are out there. BUT I’ve found that being authentic online and being true to myself has caused a lot more cries of “me too” than it has attracted trolls. Those supportive cries will help you become more comfortable being yourself 24/7 so when the trolls do surface you won’t worry about them anyway!
6. Share Things You Want Everyone to See: Being authentic online can be pretty awesome, especially when you start to see the positivity that you are inspiring in others online. Being one of the first ones in your circle to be brave enough to be you online, is really empowering because you will start to see other friends and family following suit. That has been one of my greatest joys of being authentic online. It also inspires you to share more positive things that get you through the good times and the bad.
7. Keep it Up: It can tempting to slip back into old habits, or just post the glossed over version of your life. Don’t do it! Embrace who you are 24/7 and don’t be afraid to show it. The Internet has become an amazing tool to help people empower themselves to speak their truth all the time, not just in person or when they are trying to impress someone. Be comfortable in your own skin and inspire others!
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
These are great tips, and they are so important. No one wants to read about a fabricated life. They want to see who’s REALLY behind the pages.
Shauna says
What great tips. I actually don’t even have photoshop. LOL. I love to write from the heart, so this makes so much sense to me. Thanks for sharing
Jennifer says
I really love that you posted this. I had to learn this myself. I had my blog for years, but I only recently really started opening up more. It’s scary!
Jeanette says
This is absolutely right on!! I think people know when you are genuine! Also you need to be be YOU no matter what others think!
Mandie says
People like authenticity. I used to be rather shy but I’ve come out of it. I’ve found so many great people to connect with online and your tips are fantastic!
Barb W. says
Awesome tips! The only way to truly connect is to be genuine. I had to chuckle when I read “forget Photoshop” as my daughter’s age group is so into executing the perfect selfie. I’d much rather see them just be their beautiful selves!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
I am totally myself online and I think it’s great when people feel like they can be themselves online.
Melissa Lawler says
I can’t imagine being anyone or anything but myself. I am a WYSIWYG person!
Amy Desrosiers says
I try to be as authentic as I can online. I am a mixed batch of craziness that makes me who I am .
Jennifer says
These are great tips to show your readers who you really are – and that’s how you gain a following! Forgetting what people think really is so important.
Kelly Hutchinson says
So many important points we should all follow. I try to be as brave and authentic as possible when I write. I need to step more out of my comfort zone when I try to connect with people.
Kathy says
I think this is an amazing post. I agree about being yourself. I don’t think anyone should try to ever photoshop themselves. I hate to see that with celebrities, so I wouldn’t want to see that with anyone.
Autumn @Mamachallenge says
Those are really great tips! I agree that it is important to share the good and the bad. Your bad time make help get someone through a bad time of their own!
Jennifer Williams says
I usually always share my success and failures – I am human so both happen. These days it is impossible to not offend someone so if you are worried about offending people it is probably best to never speak – though that would offend some as well!
Jenna Wood says
Being authentic is something I strive for, it comes easy to me online, because I feel more comfortable behind a screen. I do feel I need to edit myself less, though.
Dawn Lopez says
These are all such great and inspiring things to think about. I know it’s easy to compare ourselves with everyone else and feel the need to look a certain way to “keep up” but if it’s fake, what’s the point?
Ann Bacciaglia says
These are great tips to stay authentic online. I will have to share this with my Sister. She is just starting out with her blog.
Elizabeth Lampman says
Photoshop can be so deceiving. I always post my photos as is. I do not mess with the photo at all.
Aimee Smith says
I love this! There is room for everyone, the only way to set yourself apart is to be yourself.
Janeane Davis says
These are good tips for writers who share personal stories about themselves and their lives online. It is a different kind of writing that news, current events and business advice. These tips will help many people.
Susan Williams says
I do believe I am the authentic me, with what I share, but I also hate to offend.
It’s always on my mind that this is an election year, and so on days where political discussions are ticking me off, I just stay off of social media. My skin is too thin for some discussions, and so that’s why knowing your own limits is important. So, that really *is* the authentic me, who just prefers to not engage. Some of us are built that way.
Ash Sears says
Susan, I totally understand the ability to pick your own battles and knowing your limitations. Sometimes choosing to be silent rather than fighting online with someone that truly doesn’t want to listen is a fruitless battle. This is more about not always putting the perfect life online and being something different in person. We are all human and we all have good and bad to us. Recognizing that is real life is so important especially as we all learn to balance our lives with our virtual selves.