It is so hard to quit drinking soda. I’ve been trying off and on for years. Last year, I finally quit my soda drinking habit for good. Ready to kick your habit?
Well, That’s why I’ve put together this 30 day no soda challenge. Take the challenge and learn how to quit drinking soda with the support of all your peeps in the Quirky Inspired community!
Have you guys struggled trying to stop drinking pop, too? Then, let’s do this!
When I was a kid, we always had soda in the house. Every single meal was practically served with soda. It was just our normal. Growing up, I thought all families drank that much soda everyday.
As a kid, I would probably drink half a two liter by myself on a regular basis. This habit continued into adulthood where I could easily drink 3-4 20 oz. Mountain Dews a day.
It got to the point that there was ALWAYS a soda within reach.
I’ve been struggling with my addiction to soda for decades (check out my story here), which I am sure many of you can relate to.
It seems to have such a strong hold on so many people, and even switching to diet soda has just as many bad health consequences. If after decades, and millions of gallons of soda, later I can kick my soda drinking habit. You can do it too!
The very first step to learning how to quit soda, duh after joining the 30 day no soda challenge, is to have a plan! You need to prepare to do war with soda, but know this time you are going to kick it’s ass. With the Quirky Inspired community’s support, the 30 day no soda challenge, and some helpful tips from moi you are going to be victorious this time around!
Read Me First (Now you are a level too quitter, padaone): Want to quit soda, but have no idea how to even get started? Then make sure to check out our post with our five favorite tips to quit!
It’s got some sure fired tips to get you jump started to defeat the soda beast. Having a strategy and ways to reward yourself for all your hard work is sure to help you get the monkey off your back, and probably help you feel a little bit more energized too.
Read how to quit drinking soda with these 5 surefire steps.
Read Me Second: Before you begin the 30 Day No Soda Challenge, make sure to check out how to quit soda without headaches for those of you that worry the drop in your soda habit will cause you to have bad headaches!
Read how to quit drinking soda without headaches. (coming soon)
Now that you guys have those tools in your tool belt let’s get to the nuts and bolts of the challenge!
30 Day No Soda Challenge
1. Join the Quirky Inspired Facebook group: This is the place to share our triumphs and tribulations while we try to give soda the big ole boot! (Plus other great health tips too!)
2. Comment on the blog posts here that you are ready to commit to this challenge and better health for yourself! That way we can cheer you on!
3. Pledge to give up soda for 30 days! Or at least take this step down pledge. Here’s a great idea to get started.
30 Day Soda Step Down Pledge:
- Day 1-4 4 8 oz sodas/day
- Day 5-10 3 8 oz sodas/day
- Day 11-15 2 8 oz sodas/day
- Day 16-21 1 8 oz Soda/day
- Day 21-21 No soda
4. Check in each week for new No Soda Challenge updates and new tips on how to remain soda free and how to reward yourself for doing a kick ass job!
We’ll be sharing tips on what to use your money to reward yourself (think about all that money you used to spend on soda), how to quit soda without a headache, and tips how to stay soda free after the challenge!
So, who’s ready for the no soda challenge?
Together we can totally kick some ass and take some names. Just think about all the empty calories and dollars that you are going to save in just 30 days. Ready to get started, then comment below, join the Quirky Inspired closed Facebook group and join the revolution!
Make sure to checkout these other two posts to make sure you are a success this year for the 30 day no soda challenge!

Click here for yummy drink ideas when you hate water!~
Sarah Cass says
Longtime caffeine/fountain pop addict here for many many reasons. I have known I’ve needed to quit for a long time. Would love the support of doing so with someone!! I know I’m coming in late, but I’ve joined the group, and I’m going to be adding this to my planner!
Ashley Sears says
Welcome, Sarah. Never too late to join! Hope to see you in the group too!
Lauren says
i definitely need to quit drinking sodas! I usually only last a few days then I give in! I drink multiple a day!
Ashley Sears says
Lauren, If I can do it anyone can. It’s taken me decades to try and give up soda. This time it stuck! Check back in and let us know how you are doing on your challenge!
Heidi Haertl says
Trying to lose weight and drinking soda is definitely not helping this. Looking to have the support etc of others that are looking to kick the habit
Sarah says
It’s hard to go to a restaurant and not order a soda. Luckily, I’ve been able to ditch bad habits for a few years now. I’m still tempted, but hope to trest soda as an occassional treat permantly.
Rust says
I gave it up for two years but one day on whim grabbed a diet pepsi and just like that I was back on them. Now I try to limit myself to 2 a day and I find using flavored water drops in a tall glass of water helps.
Heudi says
Need to quit drinking soda esp Mountain Dew. Im good for a couple days and then I guve in to drinking a soda. HELP!!
Ash Sears says
Heidi, I was a Mountain Dew addict. Honestly the best advice I can give is trying to change your mindset that you CAN do this, and find things to bribe yourself with that you eventually look forward to more than soda!
Angie says
I’m a week in cold turkey and I feel so accomplished. I’m liking foward to see what becomes of my new journey. My digestive tract loves me again.
Ash Sears says
Congrats, Angie! How are you going to celebrate?
Jenny says
Boy did I need to see this today. Dr Pepper is my weakness. Like you I’ve been drinking it since I was a child. I drink it when I’m stressed, happy, sad, celebrating or relaxing. I drink it all day everyday. It’s going to kill me if I don’t get off it but as so many I’ve tried and get back on it in full force. I too don’t feel good after drinking it. I’m addicted plus it’s a habit.
I printed the 30 day step down and will implement that and hope that works. I joined the facebook page but I’m not sure where to go to get the support conversations.
Ash Sears says
Jenny, Congrats on taking the first steps 🙂 The Quirky Inspired Facebook Group is the place to go. We relaunch the challenge a few times a year, but you are free to join at any time. If you are struggling just reach out there, and ask for some support! You’ve got this!
Connie says
I was a HUGE Dr. Pepper addict–my granddarlings and students have stories they can tell!! I cold turkey gave it up for six months three years ago! Now I drink way too much cream soda! Time to get healthier! So glad to discover this group!
Ash Sears says
Welcome Connie! Glad to have you!
Amanda says
Headed toward diabetes. Really need to get rid of soda for my health. Ready to kick this!!
Ash Sears says
You can do it Amanda!!
Heather says
When your kids say, ” Mom, you are out of control with the pop.”
(In MN we say pop)
It is time for a change!
Ash Sears says
Waves hi from Fellow Minnesotan! Yep. When kids are shocked when you don’t have pop in stock it might be a time to kick some soda butt!
Marcia says
HELP PLEASE!!! I have tried to give up Coke for so long, but I just haven’t been successful! I am especially bad when I get stressed…the first thing I do is go grab a Coke! It’s do bad that I may not even want a coke but I will still drink it because it’s there! I know it’s filled with chemicals that are so bad, I get scared I’ll get really sick with cancer or something, then I feel guilty for drinking it—-which stresses me out and then I need it more! It’s almost become a part of my identity! I want to live Coke free! Please HELP!
Ash Sears says
Marcia, First of all you are so brave! You can do this! And you aren’t alone 🙂 When I gave up soda, the biggest thing that helped me was figuring out what was it about soda that comforted me. Was it the bubbles? Was it the sweetness? The second step was to get support. (HELLO, you brave soda quitter you!) and 3rd. Was to make sure not to put soda in the house. Make sure you try to find other things that help you during those stressful times. It might take some time to figure it out, but you’ve got this! You took the very first step by reaching out and sharing your struggle, and that my friend is crazy brave!