Drinking soda was an addiction I’ve struggled with as long as I can remember. For about half that time, I’ve been trying to figure out how to quit drinking soda. Being someone that loves sugar, and the crisp bubbliness of soda pop, it’s was hard to try and give up. My need for soda went way beyond addiction. It was in my every thought, but you know what I figured out a way to quit soda in 30 days, and I’ve never looked back!
Ever since I was a kid, soda has been in my life. Growing up, we always had bottles and bottles of 2-liter soda in the house. We didn’t drink water or milk very often with dinner, it was always which kind of pop we wanted to have. To this day, I remember a Christmas Eve I went over to a friend’s house for dinner, and they asked me what I wanted to drink. When I asked for some soda, my friend’s mom said “Um, how about some water or some milk!” Soda was such a large part of my life, I remember feeling shocked that someone wouldn’t have soda in the house. It was so absolutely foreign to me.
Even when I was pregnant, I couldn’t give up soda. For the sake of my kids, trust me, I tried. No matter how much I tried to give up soda pop, its sweet bubbles always called out my name. Heck, I hate to admit this, but when I was pregnant with Bayla, I craved the weird combination of York Peppermint patties and Mountain Dew. (Talk about yuck, right?!) Don’t judge, haha. The pregnant lady wants what the pregnant lady wants.
For years, now I’ve joked that just from quitting soda alone I would probably drop twenty pounds with no effort. Growing up in the South, I’ve seen my dad switch from fully loaded sweetened tea to an artificially sweetened tea and lose 30 pounds without any effort at all. It was really motivating, but the grip soda had on me always prevented me from being able to officially kick my soda habit to the curb.
During my struggle with soda, I started to notice that though I was addicted to soda I really had a love/hate relationship with it. Every time I would go to Target, I would grab a Mountain Dew on the way out. At home, we always had two liters in the fridge, but a soon as I would drink it I would feel like crap. I am not talking about emotionally. Physically, I felt like junk. After I would drink soda, my stomach hurt and I would always feel more sluggish.
Soda used to be fun and refreshing but lately I just feel like it’s this monkey on my back. It’s just habit to grab for one that I don’t even ask myself if I am truly enjoying it anymore. It doesn’t even cross my mind to even wonder if I really WANT one or if I am just reaching out of routine.
That’s when it began to dawn on me. What would my world be like without drinking soda? It seemed like a terrifying thought at first. The last few times I tried to quit were awful. Not only did I fail miserably, but I had the worse soda withdrawal ever. We’re talking full-on caffeine withdrawal headache. It was awful. That was until I learned how to quit soda without headaches. Before that, I still would obsess about soda, and there were dreams of Mountain Dews floating above my head.
I never thought that I would ever be able to end my addiction to soda. I’ve seriously tried to quit more times than I can count. Last year, when I came up with the 30 day no soda challenge, was the first time ever that I was able to quit my soda habit for good! It has been an amazing year since, and soda no longer has it’s evil spell over me. Sure, every now and again I will choose to drink a soda, but it’s now a CHOICE. It’s no longer an addiction. Plus, by giving up my four 20 oz Mountain Dews a day, I was able to save over $2000! Plus, without even trying I’m ten pounds lighter since I’ve quit drinking soda! I’ve finally got my life back, and this girl is happy to be no longer a slave to the king of pop.
Ready to learn how to quit drinking soda?!
Even though thinking about how to quit drinking is a really scary idea, it’s time to quit drinking soda! Aren’t you ready to get the monkey off your back, too? It’s not numerically possible to be the only one addicted to soda out there since the soda industry is a multi-billion dollar industry!
Stand up for yourself! Make the commitment. Believe that you CAN do it! You won’t do it alone! Join the Quirky Inspired No Soda challenge. Learn awesome ways to quit soda when you sign up for the 30 day no soda challenge here! Plus, you’ll have a few thousand cheerleaders in your back pocket cheering you on!
Learning how to quit drinking soda has really changed my life, so if you are ready to believe you can do it too join the challenge!

Join 30 Day No Soda Challenge Here
Angela says
I am completely addicted to Coke. My husband keeps trying to get me to kick the habit saying I would loose the weight that I complain about if I would just give up Coke. I do well for a few days and give in, then I’m back to square one!! 🙁
Heather says
That challenge 30 days without soda is a great idea. I used to be addicted to cola and one day I just don’t buy it when I was at store. The other day the same and now I don’t want to drink it anymore.
monique says
I am a type 1 diabetic, so I’ve really attached myself to pepsi max over the past 5 years, I’m still a teen and don’t want drinking it to effect me later on in life, this challenge is a great idea, definitely giving it a go!
Ashley Sears says
Monique, So glad to have you. As with anything, just make sure to talk with your doctor before trying things like this since you already have diabetes. Glad to have you 🙂
Jess says
Yep I’m the same, completely addicted to Coke, but drinking it makes me feel sick 🙁 I’ll join you in the challenge!
Ashley Sears says
So glad to have you, Jess! It can be SO hard to kick the habit but having kick ass support is the best way to do it. Make sure to join the Facebook group too! We get to chat almost daily in there!