5 Ugly Christmas Sweaters Gift Ideas
This post was sponsored by Faux Real. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
It’s so hard nowadays to find unique Christmas gifts to give your family members. Ugly Christmas sweaters are a fun way to celebrate the holidays, PLUS get someone a unique Christmas gift this year.Everything is so instant access, it can be a challenge to find something that’s just a little bit different. This year, we decided to check out Faux Real clothing and deck our halls out with Quirky faux t-shirts that are going to get us in the holiday spirit!

Faux Real is a clothing line that fits like a t-shirt but LOOKS like your favorite ugly Christmas sweater. The thing I love about their line of ugly Christmas sweater shirts is that they are goofy without the itchy. See, our family tends to be allergic to wool so some ugly Christmas sweaters tend to be a little bit itchy. Plus, that with my fibromyalgia I have to be really picky about what clothes I wear.

This year the whole family got in on the ugly Christmas Sweater action. We each picked out our favorite Faux Real photorealistic ugly Christmas sweater shirt, and we are definitely going to be rocking them this holiday season.
One of my favorite things to do during the holiday season is to find unique Christmas gifts that really rock my quirky style. No longer am I worried about what others think, but I dare to be different and embrace things that really tickle my fancy.
Sure, some might call it cheesy, but if it puts a smile on your face and makes you feel festive what is there to lose? Right!

Faux Real has clothing for all ages; from infants to adults. Their ugly Christmas sweater collection is just the start. You can also get fun t-shirts showing off your “muscle body” or your butler style. You should really check out their website, and see what floats your boat! Check out these other super cute Ugly Christmas sweater gift ideas! You can already see the 3 kick ass designs we chose! Here are a few more!
Want more Quirky Christmas Gift Ideas? You should really check out our Quirky Christmas Gift Guide here!

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
Ugly Christmas sweaters are the best! I have a few that I pull out every year to celebrate Christmas in the most fugly way possible!
Ash Sears says
Aren’t they though?! I love with Faux Real you can have your Ugly CHristmas “sweater” AND be comfy too!
Jeanette says
I keep joking with my husband that I’m going to give them one of these for Christmas LOL. I have yet to find one that is not too terribly expensive, but at some point I may still give it to them as a joke.
Stacie says
I love these shirts especially the grumpy cat one. I like that they won’t make me itch like the sweaters do.
Tara says
These are simply adorable. Everyone needs to have an ugly Christmas sweater.
Diana Rambles says
I love ugly Christmas sweaters. We are going to have an epic party this year!
Kim @ What's That Smell? says
I don’t have an ugly Christmas sweater but I want one. These look great and I love the designs. Real sweaters make me itch!
Kathy says
I love this! I hate being itchy so this would be a great option for me!
Ash Sears says
My mom is allergic to wool, so this is a great option for people that find sweaters itchy too!
Cathi Crismon says
Oh my goodness! I love this!! I have family that would go crazy for Christmas Sweaters!
Tania says
Ha! These are awesome! These would also be great to wear during holiday 5K races.
Ash Sears says
What a great idea! It would be a fun way to wear an “ugly Christmas sweater” without sweating to death during a 5k!
Dawn gibson-thigpen says
omg i love the cat one. ha. too funny.
Ash Sears says
That was one of my favorite’s as well!