Why Am I So Tired?
Why am I so tired? Yup, these are five little words that most of us can relate to; sometimes every day. We are roaming around life like a bunch of coffee craving zombies wondering. What the heck happened to the gal that you used to be?
You might feel like you are down for the count, but one thing I know for sure is being human takes guts!
I feel you sisters! For the last twenty years, I’ve been through life like a hunchback in quicksand.
That’s two decades of bags under my eyes, lugging myself forward with one foot dragging behind me like some horror movie sidekick. TWO DECADES.
Over half of my life, I’ve been asking myself why am I so tired all the time?? Sometimes just to even function takes guts, because that’s all I can manage to find the energy to do even if it is in zombie mode.
Even as a kid, I WAS ALWAYS TIRED. I was the chubby kid that couldn’t get to bed early enough. It always blew my parent’s minds that their teenage kid would go to bed voluntarily at 8 pm every night.
When I had my oldest daughter, I was 20. That was when things really began to go downhill (Can I get an AMEN!) Parenting is some seriously hard work.
If you think “I am always tired” before you have kids AFTER you have them you realize what a fool you have been, and wish that you could go back to sleep like you did before you had kids!
Maybe you don’t have kids, but you are still asking “why am I so tired?” The thing is most women nowadays are cast members of the latest zombie flick.
We are busier, more stressed out, and more tired than ever before. Our great grandma used to get up at the crack of dawn, make breakfast, work the farm (or take care of the house), and still seemed to function.
Does that mean modern day women are failures? Absolutely not! We are accomplishing SO much all the time.
We are ALWAYS getting feedback on what we “should” be doing! We should be exercising. We should be working full-time (or staying home full-time). We should be teeny tiny. We should look fabulous at all times. We
We should be exercising. We should be working full-time (or staying home full-time). We should be teeny tiny. We should look fabulous at all times. We
We should be working full-time (or staying home full-time). We should be teeny tiny. We should look fabulous at all times. We
We should be teeny tiny. We should look fabulous at all times. We
We should look fabulous at all times. We
We should have a voice, but not actually be opinionated. Heck, just the amount of SHOULDs we encounter every day would make any woman tired.
Heck, just the amount of SHOULDs we encounter every day would make any woman tired.
Here’s the thing. Over the last 20 years, I’ve been practicing how to tell the ‘should’ squads to shut the heck up, and trying to figure out why am I so tired all the time!
GOOD NEWS! I’ve found the mystical secret to why you’re tired all of the time. Ok, it’s not some mystical secret, most of it is probably something you already “KNOW”, but maybe you haven’t had the tools to work on it.
Maybe you feel guilty because you literally have no extra time to try and change anything, but you also can’t go on feeling like you are more zombie than human.
Before you eye roll and tell yourself you are too busy, ask yourself what would it hurt?
What if I tried to take care of myself, and it actually worked?! You can’t feel any more tired than you already are, right?
That’s what you call your breaking point. It took me getting to the point that I literally could not get out of the bed in the morning for me to start trying to find answers to why I have no energy.
Learn from my mistakes! Don’t hit that all-time low before you realize it’s important to figure out “why I have no energy!”
I’ve even done some of the homework for you! These are the top five reasons I found that answered: “Why Am I So Tired?”
5 Reasons Why Am I So Tired
If you are tired of being stressed out, make sure to read how to relieve stress when you are busy

Gut Imbalance: Did you know that at least 70% of your immune system is in your gut? I didn’t either until recently! Our guts are always under attack! From the foods we eat to the medicines we take, to the stress we live with it throws “good bacteria” in our gut out of whack!
Our guts are always under attack! From the foods we eat to the medicines we take, to the stress we live with it throws “good bacteria” in our gut out of whack!
The biggest help for your gut and your energy levels is to get your gut health back to it’s happy place.
I’ve struggled with IBS symptoms my whole life because my gut environment is constantly out of whack. There is nothing less cool that having a jamming time, then having to rush to the bathroom because nature is calling……..quick.
Dehydration: Our bodies are made up mostly of water. Yup, we are basically cucumbers with anxiety! .
When we don’t drink enough water, our body feels all sorts of because our super smart cells aren’t able to do everything they are supposed to do.
Ok, for those of you crying “But Ash, I HATE water!” Never fear! Check out these 10 things to drink other than soda (when you hate water). There are a few suggestions of hydrating things to drink to get make your cells happy!
Diet: No, I’m not going to start preaching about what we SHOULD be eating. I’ve just learned that we are definitely what we eat. Fast food is fast, but it definitely zaps your energy.
The key to eating better when you have absolutely no time is to turn to things like easy freezer meals. Make them ahead, and that way when you are busy you have 25 delicious and easy freezer meals ready to go!
Too Much Input: Ever heard of the term short circuit? That’s what you are doing to your body when you always go, go, go.
We are attached to our phones, our televisions, and our busy lives. All this “input” puts stress on your body, and definitely isn’t good for your gut!
All this “input” puts stress on your body, and definitely isn’t good for your gut!
When you are too busy, your gut and cells can’t-do what they’re are supposed to do. You are so tired that your entire body is crying out for you to stop and take a breather!
It’s always good to have in your tool belt but you have to help your body out by slowing down too! I know it’s not easy but think about one thing you could try to cut down.
- Could you just watch two television shows instead of three?
- Could you put your phone away at the dinner table?
- Could you get off your computer before bed?
Be brave, and take ONE small step to shut out the world.
Do you feel you understand a little bit better why you are so tired? Sometimes a little understanding can help you feel more power to conquer the problem. If you are done with having next to no energy all the time, take the first step and work on this list!
If you want to kick some quirky butt, you have to be in top shape and not let little things like IBS slow you down. Holigos IBS can do that no matter whether you are on the go, you are on the job, or you are working from home. Don’t let life or IBS slow you down.
And check back on the blog for tips and tricks to reduce stress, and get your energy back!
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