This post is sponsored by domain.ME
When ADD and creativity had a baby, I came into the world……..LOL…. What does that mean? It means I have an addiction to new ideas and that sometimes spreads me all over the Internet. (Ok, WAY all over the Internet)
Ever since I started blogging, six years ago, I’m have become the proud owner of five websites, a LulaRoe business, a personal shopper business, and a consulting business! That means I have lots of places to direct my potential customers depending on how they meet me.
It didn’t take me long to figure out, after designing 4,325,454 business cards, to realize I needed one place that people could find me on the Internet that would say just a little bit about all of my projects! One place to rule them all (ok, so this isn’t Lord of the Rings, but you get the idea).

This is the boring website I ‘designed”
That’s why I was so excited when domain.ME asked to partner with me to build my very own personal hub! I had already purchased the Ash Sears domain, because I knew I wanted to have a hub that was all me, all the time, but website building is NOT my forte. I can piecemeal some HTML code together, but not build a whole website that looks fun and professional. When domain.ME said they would love to build a web portal for me, I jumped at the chance.
This portal is going to be super duper exciting. It’s going to eventually house my courses that I am going to offer about self improvement and learning how to blog or how to work from home. It’s also going to link to my LulaRoe website where all my awesome clothes can be found. There’s even going to be a blog component that I can write about tips how to own your own business (without losing your mind).
Very soon you will be able to find me over at my brand new web portal at . Even if you aren’t in business, like I am, you can have your very own web portal with all your stuff in one place so friends and family can find you instead of spending hours finding all your activities all over the Internet! Stay tuned for some exciting reveals once my brand new web headquarters is launched. 🙂
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