You guys know my youngest daughter has really severe food allergies. Recently she even began to be allergic to eggs as well. This sent me back to the drawing board on a lot of our family's favorite recipes. We decided to doctor her favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe to take the eggs out, and wala an allergy friendly vegan chocolate chip cookie recipe! This recipe is amazingly good, and you ... Read More about Allergy Friendly Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipes
Crunchy Hits the Red Carpet at the Iron Man 3 Premiere at El Capitan Theatre #IronMan3Event
Disclosure: I received an all expenses paid trip to the Iron Man 3 premiere courtesy of Marvel/Disney. All opinions are my own! Walking the red carpet is something that happens to Hollywood A-Listers and other major Hollywood Executives. It's not something you would think a little ole green living blogger like myself would get the honor or the privelege of doing. Even though I know it happened, ... Read More about Crunchy Hits the Red Carpet at the Iron Man 3 Premiere at El Capitan Theatre #IronMan3Event
Where’s Waldo (err Crunchy) on the Red Carpet?
This week on the red carpet was surreal to say the least! To give you a small glimpse of how crazy it was look at this wide shot of all the red carpet fun! So, let's have some fun of our own. We are going to play our own version of Where's Crunchy! The first person to successfully figure out where I am in this photo wins a $25 Amazon gift code just for being an awesome reader, and a heck of a ... Read More about Where’s Waldo (err Crunchy) on the Red Carpet?
Crockpot Snack Mix Recipe!
I love snack mixes and this one does not disappoint. {Promise!} But making it in the slow cooker was a brilliant idea, if I do say so! Saying it’s HOT here in the summer is an understatement. I hate turning on my oven for any amount of time in the summer…seriously it heats up the whole house; however, sometimes I just need a good snack mix. My slow cooker snack mix is made to be ... Read More about Crockpot Snack Mix Recipe!
Check out what Crunchy is Wearing on the Red Carpet!
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links (Crunchy has needs, man!) It took me a while to decide what exactly I was going to wear for the Iron Man 3 premiere next week, but after shopping today the entire outfit is complete! My wardrobe normally consists of jeans and t-shirts, so getting dressed up for such an important event was a little bit more work than I am used to. (Make sure to ... Read More about Check out what Crunchy is Wearing on the Red Carpet!
Mother’s Day Printable Coupon Book
Mother's Day isn't just fun because I am a mom. It's fun because I get to help my kids come up with some really creative ideas. They helped this year with these Mother's Day printable coupon books! Lately they have been wanting to give me coupons to pamper me, so we hopped on the computer and began to create. Mother's Day Printable Coupons I may not be like most moms, but these are the kinds ... Read More about Mother’s Day Printable Coupon Book
Earth Day Crafts: Recycled Earth Crayons!
Our family loves Earth Day! It might have a little something with us being a crunchy family and all. Each year, I try to find a neat craft or project for the kids and I to do that repurposes or recycles something and is fun to do. This year the kids wanted to put their HUGE bin of crayons to good use. One of our Earth Day crafts was making heart shaped Earth crayons to show our love for the ... Read More about Earth Day Crafts: Recycled Earth Crayons!
Easy Pancake Recipes: Freezer Pancake Sticks!
Not many of us in the Crunchy household are morning people. That's why I love making easy breakfast ideas, like these pancake recipes, for the morning that the kids can just grab themselves and get ready for homeschool in the morning. This Christmas my in-laws sent us this really cool pancake and french toast stick maker. It's about the most amazing kitchen appliance that I have ever gotten as ... Read More about Easy Pancake Recipes: Freezer Pancake Sticks!