If your house is anything like mine, you feel like you are drowning in stuff. It’s amazing how much clutter a family of five can have. That’s why for the last few months we have wanted to help you declutter-your-home room by room. My family and I put together this great decluttering checklist printable for you along with some decluttering tips and tricks to help make it as painless as possible.
If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned your home decluttering can seem really overwhelming. That’s why I’ve put together this awesome decluttering checklist. It’s a free spring cleaning printable that is going to help you declutter-your-home room by room!
Use this handy dandy printable, and the cleaning tips in this post to get your home clutter free in no time flat. Sometimes it’s just about having the right checklists to help you with your spring cleaning. Being a little more organized and doing a little bit at a time makes you feel like you can conquer any pile of clutter. Ready to get started? Then check out these spring cleaning tips.
How to Declutter-Your-Home Room By Room
Print your decluttering printable: To get started getting the clutter out of your house make sure to print your decluttering check list here. It will help you see your progress.
Do one room at a time: Don’t get overwhelmed. Pick one room and keep working in that room until it’s done. Don’t even think about the other rooms until the one you are on is finite.
Grab Your Tools: Before you even start, make sure to grab all the things you need to declutter and clean that room. Here are some ideas:
- 3 bins: Keep, Donate, and Throw Away
- Vacuum/Mop/Broom
Use tools that make you want to clean like this BISSELL 1940 Powerfresh Steam Mop, Blue
Schedule Your Time: It didn’t take one day for your house to get cluttered. Don’t expect to do it all in one day. I usually break it down into one hour stints so I don’t over do it.
Can You Live Without It: When you are trying to declutter-your-home try to ask yourself two questions. Can you live wiothou it? Did you even remember having it? If you aren’t going to die without it, or can’t even remember having it. GET.RID.OF.IT!
What to do With Your Stuff Now?
Once you are done getting all the clutter out, there are several things you can do with all your stuff you are getting rid of:
Trash it: Anything too worn or broken gets trashed
Sell: No reason why you can’t get some money back on your stuff. Here are a few ideas on how to sell your stuff to a new home. Here are some places you could do that.
- Craigslist
- Ebay
- Garage Sale
- Half Priced Books : Books, Magazines, CDs, DVDs, and Games
- Gamestop: Video Games and Electronics/Cell Phones
Donate: If the item doesn’t fit either one of those categories, consider donating it. I love making donations to my local Goodwill just down the street from me. If I know someone needs kids clothes though, I always ask my friends if they want to look through our donation goodies before it heads down to the local Goodwill.
Let’s Get Decluttering
Now that you have some general cleaning tips, and know what to do when you are done, go through this room by room checklist. Get your free decluttering pirntable here, and fill it out with some of the suggestions for each room. As you finish cleaning, mark that off your list.
Attic/Long Term Storage
- Get Rid of Garbage
- Wean Down Keepsakes
- Donate Anything too Small
- Sell Anything Used Less Than One Time a Year
- Donate any furniture you don’t use regularly
- Donate Any Clothing that doesn’t fit (Discard clothing that is too worn to donate)
- Empty Night Stand Drawers
- Donate any sheets/comforters/pillows you don’t use
- Discard any worn shoes or donate ones you don’t wear regularly
- Clean under the bed and donate or discard
Kid Spaces:
- Throw away broken toys or donate ones your child has outgrown
- Discard board games with missing pieces and donate others that aren’t played with
- Let your child pick two favorite stuffed animals for each child, donate the rest.
- Consider selling any video games your child no longer plays with.
- Donate outgrown clothes.
- Discard expired medicines or cosmetics
- Clean out under your cabinet
- Discard any towels/bath rags that are worn
Family Room:
- Putting video games with their holders. (If they are missing, discard)
- Consider selling your magazines and books to Half Price books (or other retail store that buys books)
- Donate extra blankets
- Any home décor item that isn’t your absolute favorite donate
- Empty coffee table drawers
- Donate appliances you don’t use more than once to three times a year
- Throw away expired food or food your family didn’t like
- Donate extra dishes and storage containers
- Empty the junk drawer
- Donate extra pots and pans
- Empty out your “drop zone”
- Discard old shoes or clothing
- Donate any décor that is something you couldn’t live without
Now that you have all your rooms free of clutter, make sure to checkout some really awesome cleaning hacks and homemade cleaners so your home sparkles too!
Ready to really start cleaning? Check out these Green Spring Cleaning tips!
Declutter Your House with Two Simple Questions

Clean Your Bathroom in 15 Minutes or Less
Autumn says
The link for the printable goes to a St. Patrick’s Day art print. Is there another link to the download?
Ashley Sears says
Autumn, Not sure why that is happening. Just double checked all the links and it takes you to the form.
Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says
We just did this and filled up two dumpsters worth in the process! Phew.
Jenna Wood says
These are all amazing resources. I have extra time in the Summer so I do a lot of cleaning- decluttering is a must1
Dawn says
These are great tips. You really need to keep the clutter in line or it will consume you!
Valerie says
I definitely need to declutter my house. I would do best to start in the kids room because they are the worst! Thanks for the great list of how to get started.
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says
I’m slowly getting there but I need lots of help. I love this thorough list – wow, thanks!
Liz Mays says
I’ll have to do this sooner rather than later. My kids are coming to live with me for a few months!
Sarah @ Must Have Mom says
These are awesome tips! Thank you so much for sharing. I sooo need this!
Felicita Moncada says
Great tips! I love that you included a printable list – sometimes trying to think of the entire house being cleaned is exhausting but looking at it from room to room makes it a little easier.
Andrea Kruse says
Oh, yes! Organizing and de-cluttering my house is a big one on my wish list. My days with 3 young kids are often overwhelming with just the basics… I need to carve out a little time to tackle all the baby and toddler items we no longer need.
Autumn @Mamachallenge says
Great tips! I love that printable! It is a great way to keep organized.
Ann Bacciaglia says
This is a great list. I need some help organizing my house. I will have to print this off for myself.
Aimee Smith says
love this. We just moved and decluttered like crazy. This printable would have been super helpful.
dawn says
nice post. thanks so much for the share. love the photos
Mistee Dawn says
I so need to declutter my home. I think I totally missed the spring cleaning. lol. Thanks for the great tips.
Sabrina @ Dinner, then Dessert says
This is a great list! I need to declutter SO badly with the infant and toddler and us we are buried under a pile of things!
kristin says
We are moving and its nice decluttering. With kids growing always its a must too.