This post was sponsored by domain .ME; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Post may contain affiliate links
If I had a dollar for every time a mom said “I don’t have the time” I would be a really rich woman. That’s why filling your bucket is SO important. You guys know I am not the type of woman that lends advice that I haven’t done myself. Tough love and reality is where it’s at. If a work at home, homeschooling mom like me can learn that filling your bucket is vital to motherhood, then you need to sit down, pay attention, and vow to fill your bucket on ME day, March 16th!
If you want to learn to accept yourself for who you are and rock your awesome, make sure to check out these awesome body positive/ self esteem posts here on Quirky Inspired.
- Learning how to love yourself
- Self Acceptance Quotes to Brighten Your Life
- Finding Yourself Exactly Where You’re Supposed to Be
- Never Apologize for Being You
WTH does filling your bucket mean? It means taking care of yourself, but we’re not just talking feeding yourself and bathing yourself. While not being the stinky mommy is nice, filling your bucket means so much more than that. It means finding the things in life that feed your soul. Finding the things that that celebrate the unique ME.
One thing that I’ve learned going through the journey of motherhood, is it’s all about priorities. Society tends to make us think that we are failing as mothers if we don’t give up each and every inch of ourselves. How many commercials have you seen saying that “moms don’t take sick days” or the like. We are schooled that we don’t only leave our selves behind, but we put our health at risk for our kids. While there is some juggling to do as a mom, it’s time that we put ourselves back on the priority list.
I’ve already shared with you how to make ME time a priority, let’s take that a step further and reignite your passion for life. It’s amazing to be passionate about your kids, but you also deserve to have other things in your life that really make you want to get up and going again. Filling your bucket, and finding your life’s passions, will set a great example for your family. Showing them that you are happy to be ME, and that life is a wonderful adventure to cherish, will make them happy and make you proud to be ME.
You can start by putting ME day, created by domain ME, on your calendar March 16, 2015. It’s a day to celebrate the unique ME. That’s what life is all about. That’s why this blog is called Quirky Inspired. It’s to inspire the uniqueness that is you. Now that it’s on your calendar pick some awesome ways to fill your bucket on ME day!
10 Ways to Fill Your Bucket on ME Day
1. Take Yourself on a Date: When I first started trying to find my passions again, a friend introduced me to this great book called The Artist’s Way. It wasn’t just about artists, it was about finding your creativity. It talked about taking yourself on a date. Find an activity you really wanted to do, and going it alone. This is a great way to celebreate ME day.
2. Take a Class: Is there something you’ve always waned to learn to do? My parents recently started taking stained glass classes. Find something in your community and sign up! We love looking at the local community cetners for affordable options.
3. Read an Inspiring Book: Reading always brings me so much inspriatoin. Two of my favorite books for inspiration are these two:
- Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail :
This is a great book about a woman finding herself again by hiking the Pacific Crest Trail after her marriage falls apart.
- The Alchemist – 10th Anniversary Edition
: Great book about finding your own personal destiny.
4.Cherish Your ME Time: Don’t feel like your ME time is a burden. Cherish it. Look forward to it. Embrace it. Just as much as you embrace being ME! It will recharge you so you can conquer the world.
5. Try a New Hobby: Hobbies don’t have to be something that take up huge amounts of time. Learn something new at home. There’s a great learn to knit tutorial here on the blog. Crochet, craft, stamp, do yoga for free , just expand your horizons!
6. Volunteer: Is there a cause that you are passionate about? Find a local chapter and volunteer your time on ME day. Sometimes giving to others does fill your bucket.
7. Expand Your Cooking Skills: If you love to cook, challenge yourself and spend the day cooking. Sometimes it’s fun to just spend the day playing in the kitchen.
8. Try Something New: This one can be super scary, but if you expand your horizons you might be surprised the joy it brings you. Go to a new restaurant you’ve been afraid to try. Head to a new part of town you’ve never been to before. Go sky diving!
9. Reconnect with an Old Friend: Having good friends definitely fills my bucket. When we become moms, sometimes friendships fall by the way side. It’s never too late to reach out and reconnect with your old friends. What do you think Facebook is for!
10. Buy Yourself Something Nice: Love fashion, but haven’t bought any new duds in a while? Celebrate ME by splurging and reigniting your passion for your look. Always wanted to journal or create something? Buy yourself something that helps you do that.
What will I be doing for ME day? I’ll be taking the camera out and working on my photography. It’s something I’ve grown to love and it definitely fills my bucket! What are you going to do to celebrate ME day, March 16th?
Get ready for #MEday by following Domain ME on their social media channels:
- Domain ME on Facebook
- Domain ME on Twitter
Michelle says
This is such a great reminder and I love your ideas! I always feel like I can give such a better version of myself to help others when I take time to take care of myself too. I’m a big fan of doing some baking because I find it relaxing and I can share the goods with my loved ones.
Savanah Fahrney-Day says
I didn’t know there was a ME day, but on the 16th I’m going to have blood work done to figure out what’s going on so I can start feeling like ME again & going out to lunch with my mom afterwards. Maybe I’ll call it an earlier night for work & do my favorite relaxation activity – soak in a bubble bath with a
bottleglass of wine.Andrea Kruse says
I used to be a classic maryr Mom… you know, the one who devotes every minute to her kids and family while neglecting herself? The problem is my kids didn’t think of me as a person. I was “Mom”. My son told his teacher that I love laundry and cleaning. Ugh. Before kids I had hobbies, interests, etc. I am working to get those back. I craft, I bake, and I am working on my wardrobe. I want to be my own person again. I want to fill my bucket. 🙂
Ashley S says
Love this! Such great tips 🙂 Thank you!
Alaina Bullock says
It’s been a long since since I made any ‘me time’! After reading this, I am definitely going to start though! After all, I can’t keep taking care of everybody else if I don’t take care of myself! I love some of your ideas, too! I’d like to try a new hobby! There is so much I used to want to do (hobby-wise) that all seemed to get put to the side. Thanks for the inspiration!
Travel Blogger says
great ideas. it’s so hard to find me time, isn’t it? have to try harder!
Crystal says
I had the realization that the only time I spent taking care of myself in a month was a doctor’s appointment. That doesn’t quite count! I love your ideas. I really need to work on this.
Jessica says
Fabulous!! I am so celebrating ME day! Thanks for the inspiration, I love all of these ideas!
Little Miss Kate says
I love this, self care is so important. I visit a local tea shop every Friday for some much need downtime just to relax surf the web and enjoy myself before stepping back into the “mom” role.
Crystal says
That sounds lovely! I would love a regular routine like getting tea to schedule in some me time.
Rosey says
This is a good list. Reconnecting with a friend or reading a great book are my two faves! I love to do both.
Joanne says
Thank you for these tips and for the reminder!!! I’ve been thinking about taking a class.